Does every weeb do anime sketching?

So today, as the title is, does every weeb do anime sketches? Well as you know, even if you don't know, I love anime and I do sketch and most of the people that I know who love anime, sure do anime sketches. I'm not saying that everyone does but the people i know and the people i have seen sure do.

So the question arises, is it like a compulsory thing or what. Well to be honest, i'll talk about myself. I started drawing after watching anime. I wasn't good at drawing at all from childhood nor did I have any fondness towards drawing. But when I started watching anime, I felt like drawing because of my love of anime. For most people, it must be because of love. For example when we read a story or watch some anime or movie, we feel something in there, like it should be like this or it shouldn't be like this. So we start writing. No clue about you guys but I started writing because I read a story and I felt like it wasn't enough so I started writing. 

So if you look at it from this point of view, we draw to make ourselves confident or something. But anyways that's how it is for me, in drawing and writing. And if you wanna see my drawing then I'll leave the link below and please let me know if you draw or not. If you do, then what made you start drawing? Let me know below in the comments section.

also: Check out my art


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