
Showing posts from September, 2020

Rapists should be stoned to death

  Okay I'm not sure when or why the people of Pakistan have become so horny. Horny is not a good enough word actually, beasts in heat would be much liked reference.  Yes I'm going to talk about the rape cases that have been going on in Pakistan for i don't know how long! I mean okay there are rape cases in other countries too but what the hell is wrong in our country?! IT'S A MUSLIM COUNTY FOR GOD SAKE! DO THEY NOT FEAR ALLAH ANYMORE?! Recently there has been a such case on motorway. And one of the suspect has done this before too in 2013. Okay so where is justice? Where is humanity? Where is the law? And on top of everything, where IS HIS IMAAN?  An incident during the time of the Islamic prophet Muhammad formed would form the basis of later jurisprudence of rape: When a woman went out for prayer at dawn, a man attacked her on the way and raped her. She shouted but the rapist escaped. When another man came by, she complained: “That man did such and such to me.” And whe